Living a fast life is a concern for most of us these days. Hours, weeks, and years are passing by while we all take a part in this Pursuit of Happiness. Unfortunately, for many children around the globe, happiness is something far more simple like everyday access to food and water or a safe place to sleep. Despite the struggle, and the poverty that surrounds them they still dare to have BIG DREAMS. The dream to be like J.K.Rowling, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein or maybe the next Ronaldo.  The Dream to delight the world with marvelous music like Hans Zimmer or breathtaking art and world changing inventions like Leonardo Da Vinci. Or perhaps simply a dream to … THINK DIFFERENT.

This website is a sample of a great technology invented by such dreamers. That is why, we will use part of our profit from every single vision board sold to support this initiative.

Together with YOU and our global partners, WE are going to change the life of ONE MILLION UNPRIVILEGED KIDS FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD. We want to empower them to BE KIND, WORK HARD, NEVER GIVE UP and always DREAM BIG. Those kids will receive this perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity that we will create for them and that may CHANGE THEIR LIFE FOREVER, so later they can change … THE WORLD.

We have addressed the global problem which exists for decades and decided to focus on foster kids from all around the world. We will first take them through the empowering program that will allow them to identify their problems and needs individually. Then with the help of our coaches and mentors we will address these problems, we add a sense of hope and possibilities until they change their mindset.

Next, together with earlier mentioned global companies we will help them with custom mentorship, intern programs and other amazing experiences so they can continue the new pathway with an equal chance to realize their BIG DREAMS.


Soon, there will be a place where all the people who DREAM BIG can meet and proof that everything is IMPOSSIBLE. This will be THE PLACE TO BE on the map of the world, filled with the true power of THE UNIVERSE. If you dream BIG, that is just the beginning… Look forward to hear more about this amazing global event that is coming soon.