Environment Care

“We shall require a substantially new manner of

thinking if mankind is to survive”

Albert Einstein

Taking care of the environment is something that we all should consider nowadays, so we can preserve this beautiful planet for our kids and other generations.  We’ve made sure that we manufacture our products with sustainability in mind to not put more tension on it.

But there is much more than that…

Choosing the right media to print on is a very difficult task these days, especially keeping in mind recycling afterwords. Therefore, we took this subject very seriously from day one.

The Paper industry in the last century was criticized because of its negative effects on the environment. However, due to the innovations in the industry, the paper that is currently manufactured is one most eco-friendly materials yet, it still has its downsides which we wanted to resolve.

Paper itself may have a very small impact on CO2 emissions especially when it is properly recycled. Unfortunately, there are some factors that on the first look might not be so obvious, but they do make it harder to call the material “perfect”.  The main issue with paper is that its production is connected with draining peatlands from forests and this has a huge impact on the environment. Peatlands are among the most valuable ecosystems on the Earth and the largest natural carbon storage. Currently Degrading peat lands equals almost double the amount of CO2 emissions from aviation and it’s extremely harmful to our planet. You can read more HERE

As the global demand for wood products grows, increasing pressure is being placed on the world’s forests so we still should search for alternative materials to use when possible, not to inflate the demand even more.

After taking into consideration all of the above, we have decided to use a Polypropylene (PP) Film which has also one of the smallest CO2 impacts on the environment and a very low Emission factor (kg CO2eq per unit) with the rate of 1,97 only. Production of this material also doesn’t utilize a lot of natural resources like existing forests and water.

Taking care of our planet and extensive time spent for this research paid back and we are able to offer you this great material.

Although the name Polypropylene may sound scary for you, it is one of the most environmentally neutral materials. It contains only two elements (carbon and hydrogen) and generates only carbon dioxide and water when it burns.

It has also fantastic properties that our customers can benefit from. Find out more about it HERE.

In addition to that, we are using only water-based non-toxic inks which contain only natural substances, easy to clean without chemicals to further reduce toxic waste.

We produce locally to make as little impact on the environment from our side as possible and we expect the same from our partners worldwide. That’s why we have signed a worldwide shipping agreement with UPS. Take a look at HERE how well they take care of the environment.

We offer a DIGITAL PRINT option where a customer can download a PDF file which can be printed in a photo-lab next to their home saving unnecessary shipping and packing and same time reducing CO2.

We print on demand only, so no waste of raw materials on goods which won’t be sold and have to be disposed. Additionally, we print on very durable and resistant film lowering the risk of damage during transport and the necessity of duplicating the print and disposal of the old one.

Yet, we know there are still things to be improved and we won’t stop working on making things even better. Our next goal is to move our servers to those powered by 100% GREEN ENERGY.

That is OUR contribution to the ENVIRONMENT.

We want to be 100% Nature Friendly.

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